Need counselling?
Grief support
One-on-one counselling
Addiction support
Anxiety & Depression Support
One-on-one counselling
Addiction support
Anxiety & Depression Support
Want to join a group?
Small groups - meet together in person or online to discuss scripture or a topical series about faith
Interest groups - meet around a common interest (running, moms, photography etc)
1 hour connect groups - meet for an hour to connect, pray and support one another
Interest groups - meet around a common interest (running, moms, photography etc)
1 hour connect groups - meet for an hour to connect, pray and support one another

Get more info about our courses
Alpha - new to faith and want to explore what Christianity is all about?
Marriage Prep - a course for engaged couples
Marriage Course - build on your marriage by doing this fantastic course as a couple
Financial Planning University - Dave Ramsey coaches you on how to get debt free and learn to save
Boundaries Course - how and when to say no
Wholeness Course - learn why we think, feel and behave the way we do
Counselling Upskills - for lay counsellors and pastoral staff to gain new skills
Grace Counselling Training - for those wanting to become a lay counsellor
Life Skills, Computer Skills, Sewing/Crochet Skills, Farming Skills - development courses for anyone wanting to learn a new skill
Business Training - available for micro-businesses to enhance their knowledge and business skills
Marriage Prep - a course for engaged couples
Marriage Course - build on your marriage by doing this fantastic course as a couple
Financial Planning University - Dave Ramsey coaches you on how to get debt free and learn to save
Boundaries Course - how and when to say no
Wholeness Course - learn why we think, feel and behave the way we do
Counselling Upskills - for lay counsellors and pastoral staff to gain new skills
Grace Counselling Training - for those wanting to become a lay counsellor
Life Skills, Computer Skills, Sewing/Crochet Skills, Farming Skills - development courses for anyone wanting to learn a new skill
Business Training - available for micro-businesses to enhance their knowledge and business skills

Get in touch with Grace Kids for...
Baby dedications - this is a moment where you as parents commit to raising your child/ren in faith, and dedicate your child/ren to Christ.
Faith at Home - conversation starters, faith resources and activities for you and your family to use at home.
Parent Resources - a helpful database of information about the phases of child development, what Bible to buy your child, family prayers (and more).
Faith at Home - conversation starters, faith resources and activities for you and your family to use at home.
Parent Resources - a helpful database of information about the phases of child development, what Bible to buy your child, family prayers (and more).
Want to be baptised?
You can read more about baptism at Grace HERE.
Then get in touch with your campus pastor to arrange a date to be baptised.
Then get in touch with your campus pastor to arrange a date to be baptised.
In need of care for you or someone you know?
Prayer - we'd love to pray for you. You can complete the prayer request form here.
Meals - get in touch below to find out if we have any meals available.
Meals - get in touch below to find out if we have any meals available.

Looking to hire one of our venues?
Board Meetings
Board Meetings