Through the monthly tithes of our church, as well as the once-off offerings made, we have been able to impact God's people on a significant level. If you want to make a difference in this way, consider making a monthly EFT to your Grace campus.
Many people love to give to God and as they do, they want to feel confident in the
organisation through which they give. At Grace Family Church, we want people to understand that they are giving to God through the church, not to the church.
To set up a monthly tithe, or to make a once-off offering, click the GIVE button below.
Many people love to give to God and as they do, they want to feel confident in the
organisation through which they give. At Grace Family Church, we want people to understand that they are giving to God through the church, not to the church.
To set up a monthly tithe, or to make a once-off offering, click the GIVE button below.

We'd love you to join the team at Grace. Our serving teams make a difference within our local church gatherings, and our missions teams go out into our city and beyond to bring relief aid and development opportunities to those in need.
Get in touch with us if you want to discover which area you'd be suited to serve in, or if you already know where you want to serve click JOIN A SERVING TEAM below.
If you want to get connected into one of our other serving opportunities (First Saturdays, clothing donations etc) click MISSIONS SERVING OPTIONS below.
Get in touch with us if you want to discover which area you'd be suited to serve in, or if you already know where you want to serve click JOIN A SERVING TEAM below.
If you want to get connected into one of our other serving opportunities (First Saturdays, clothing donations etc) click MISSIONS SERVING OPTIONS below.
1. Tithes
The tithe, or “first fruits” of our labor/income, belong to God. We find this principle all
through God’s Word. Tithing, giving God the first 10% of our income to the local church,
is the primary practical way we acknowledge that God is first.
(Proverbs 3:9–10)
2. Offerings
An offering is giving over and above the tithe. The Bible says that by giving generously,
we are able to “take hold of the life that is truly life.” You aren’t really living unless you
are freely giving.
(1 Timothy 6:18–19)
3. The Gift of Giving
The gift of giving is a spiritual gift that God gives to some people. It is a Spirit-given
capacity and desire to serve God by giving of your material resources, far beyond the
tithe, to further the work of God.
(Romans 12:8)
1. Tithes
The tithe, or “first fruits” of our labor/income, belong to God. We find this principle all
through God’s Word. Tithing, giving God the first 10% of our income to the local church,
is the primary practical way we acknowledge that God is first.
(Proverbs 3:9–10)
2. Offerings
An offering is giving over and above the tithe. The Bible says that by giving generously,
we are able to “take hold of the life that is truly life.” You aren’t really living unless you
are freely giving.
(1 Timothy 6:18–19)
3. The Gift of Giving
The gift of giving is a spiritual gift that God gives to some people. It is a Spirit-given
capacity and desire to serve God by giving of your material resources, far beyond the
tithe, to further the work of God.
(Romans 12:8)